Home, Sweet Home.

It’s Wednesday, & I’m finally back at home. Well, not exactly, since home doesn’t offer high speed Internet, I’m at starbucks. I’ve been doing some thinking lately, and I’ve started to realize how much I’m looking forward to this year. It’s what I’ve been working for all this time, and it finally comes down to this, senior Year.

Giant Touch Screen in the Lobby.

Giant Touch Screen in the Lobby.

So many people take the time to party, and to go out with friends and forget about the work that they should be doing. As social as I am, I’ve decided to compose a list of goals to accomplish this year. Anyone who knows me knows that I don’t make empty goals, I’ll go my best to meet them.

The View from the room.

The View from the room.

It basically boils down to getting a large scholarship to a large college, that I want to attend. I want to attend school in a major city, such as NYC, or LA, or maybe even abroad. God works in funny ways, & I am eager to see where he takes me.

On the way back from schlitterbaugn

On the way back from schlitterbaugn

I’ve just returned from a vacation with my parents, probably the last vacation with my family that I’ll ever go on. I guess, as panic! said, It’s in the ABCs of growing up. I’ll be visiting NYU over the Christmas break, and UCLA over the spring break; If you will be around, be sure to drop me a line.

View from the deck.

View from the deck.

I’m going to need as much help as possible. I’ve gotten a 28 on my ACT so far, I want to get it up to the 31ish area, and I figure that’s not impossible. If anyone had any ideas on helping me get accepted/scholarships please give me a line.



This year is going to be pretty busy, Student Council will be as active as any other organization, if not more active.  If anyone wants to talk more about that get in contact with me, its not that hard. Hah. Oh, and Last thing. Deeds found me a shirt, I’m thinking about buying. 🙂 haha.

iPhone 4g; maybe I don’t want to work for apple…

So I’m going to go ahead and apologize in advance if this post isn’t what you were expecting quality wise, I’m actually posting this from the back seat of a moving vehicle, in the middle of BFE, Texas, on a wireless card with less than NO signal. Any one of my good friends could tell you exactly why I’m in this car and exactly why I would MUCH rather be at home, posting this at starbucks; but I’m not, so what’s the use in bitching.

Baby, I'm comin' home; don't ask me where I've been.

Baby, I'm comin' home; don't ask me where I've been.

So I’m gonna kill some time by talking a little bit about the iPhone 4g concept, & tell you a little shocking story. The big buzz about the 4G  is iChat, appearently there’s been some speculation that the new iPhone is going to come with a webcam built into the front, by the earpeice, and a new app. iChat. Therefore, my good friend <insert name here> is at home, on iChat, and wants to see her new hair/his awesome new battle scar.  I’d get a ringing in my pocket, accept the video chat, and be looking at him/her face to face. Kudos apple. Kudos.

Now, with that said nothing is for sure yet, nothing. All of this is just speculation, but I’m sure anyone with an iPhone would agree with me that there are PLENTY of things they need to fix with this fancy new phone. plenty. Now.. On to my Shocking story. A Chinease man, fresh outta college, named Sun Danyong jumped from his apartment window to his death, thanks to this fancy new iPhone.

The Concept.

The Concept.

So here’s the break down, Sun worked for a company called Foxconn, whom had 16 prototype iphones. Sun was responsible for shipping them to apple, well… one went missing. The rest is all kinds of sketchy. Sun’s phone said his last message to his girlfriend, whom I’m guessing was there with him… “My dear, I’m sorry, go back home tomorrow, something has happened to me, please don’t tell my family, don’t contact me, this is the first time that I have ever begged you, please agree to that! I am so sorry!”

Compliments of Martin Hooper

Compliments of Martin Hooper

It appears that Sun was physically detained and possibly tortured over the missing iPhone, and committed suicide. However, I’m not so easily convinced. There’s no telling what Foxconn did to him, forced him to do, or staged with him. It could be a political trick used to gain Foxconn some recognition, after all who had heard of them before now?

All I have to say, is that once this investigation is complete, someone is in some deep shit. Oh, and to top it off, there’s been no indication if the 16th iPhone has been recovered. Opinions on the situation, comments, or email. Rustylow@gmail.com If I find any new info, I’ll be sure to tweet it. twitter.com/rclow

Wednesday’s Rant; Recent Movies

I would tell you about my exciting adventured of yesterday but you see… Rustin fell asleep after work, and didn’t wake up untill work this morning. So needless to say I’m going to kick today’s ass, since im running on 13 hours of sleep. So I would like to clear something up. I woke up to yet another text saying “I kinda looked like Draco Malfoy” from the new harry potter movie.

Tom Felton

Tom Felton

Just because Tom Felton has blonde hair does not mean I look anything like him or Aaron Carter for that fact, right? So now that I’ve got that clear let’s talk about some recent movies I’ve seen, and some coming out that I have every intention of seeing.

Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince; honestly, I enjoyed it. Most of your hardcore Harry Potter sort will most likely tell you that it sucked, and proceed to list things that were different in the movie than the book. Well, no shit Sherlock. The movie is different, always has been and will continue to be, I predict. It was really entertaining, and had some great producing. I defiantly recommend seeing that one.

The Hangover; One of the funniest movies of all time. Ever. The end. If you’re in need of a laugh, go see it tonight. It makes me want to have my bachelor party in Vegas.

Depp as the Mad Hatter

Depp as the Mad Hatter

Alice in Wonderland; I’m very eager to see the midnight premier of Tim Burton’s latest. Depp will star as the mad hatter; If you have any appreciation for Tim Burton, you will youtube the official commercial, then mark down the release date in your iCal.

The Orphan; I’m a sucker for horror movies, and I’ll be watching this this weekend, I’m sure if you read my blog I’ll mention weather it was worth the 8.25 or not.

In my Apple News for the day; I got my RAM in from Newegg today. Installed it in under 5 minutes, and well over doubled my computer’s speed. If you own a MacBook, I highly recommend upgrading your RAM, you can find awesome deals at newegg.com I got 2 Gigs for 25 Bucks, that’s a steal in the Mac world. Here’s the link for the 2 one gig modules I bought. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231116

I’ll be going to Starbucks tonight; researching more about the causes of Malaria for a scholarship, If you know me well enough to have my cellular number, I suggest you text me. If you dont, you can email my phone at rustylow@gmail.com and im sure i will respond fairly quickly.

Pick My Camera.

My iPhone has done me great, so far. Absolutely awesome, for a cellular camera. But if I plan on making it anywhere in the viral world of the interwebs, I’m going to need at least 8 megapixels. Can I get an amen? Anywho, I have four major purchases left for this summer. Desk, Desk Chair, Plane Ticket, & Camera.

So I’m very indecisive when it comes to cameras….. I know nothing about them. So I figure I’ll let you guys decide which I buy. So Here are my options;


That’s the first choice. It’s all kinds of fancy. When I first decided I wanted to buy a point and shoot I turned to the worlds best photographer. Ever. Alex M. If you don’t know him check out his site. alexmphotography.com It’s almost double what I wanted to spend, but I’m a firm believer in you get what you pay for.


The Sony Cyber-shot T900 is still a little bit more than I was hoping to pay for a camera, but dammit it’s just so shiny. And touchscreeny. and thin.


This is probably my smartest choice financially, seeing as it is actualy about 100 bucks cheaper than I wanted to spend. But It just lacks that edge to it. Ya know?

Well, feel free to leave other option in comments, but I refuse to buy a camera under 8 MP, or that wont fit in my pocket. 🙂

Those are my two bugga-boos.

iPhone; my apps

I’ve already applied for two scholarships today, so I figure a break to write a new blog post isn’t going to be horribly catastrophic to my work flow, right? Meh…. At least I’m not reading facebook again, anywho. To the point. I’ve decided to compose a list of the applications you will find if you were to get a hold of my lovely little iPhone.

Just before Posting this

Just before Posting this

Facebook; we’ll start it simple.

This free app is pretty self explanatory; and has it’s flaws, such as not being able to read notes you’ve been tagged in and a few other irksome design flaws, but.. It’s freeeeeee, so that makes up for that.

Flixter; The movie app.

This free app detects your location and provides you witha  list of nearby theatres, directions, and showtimes. Very handy little tool for the average movie-watcher.

WhitePages; for one reason.

Reverse Phone function. You type the number in, they give you the details. Very hand for missed calls from numbers that you don’t recognize.

MySpace; shoot me now.

The only reason I have the MySpace app on my phone is so I don’t ever have to infect my precious little Vicki (My MacBook’s name) with that shitty ass website.

Urbanspoon; the dinner planner.

How many times have you been in the same recurring dilemma; &quot;Where do you want to eat? I don’t care.&quot; Well, urbanspoon is the app that helps solve that problem by offering you a random food search that you can lock by city, food type, and price range. Very handy, very free, very worth while.

GuitarChords; yes I’m learning.

Free App, the details come with the name; very useful app for the guitar player.

Quicken; not as good as Mint.

My Financial planner, I don’t like this app as much as I liked Mint.Com’s app but unfortunately my bank is no longer Mint compatible. Quicken Offers your bank statements, activity, and even generates a budget planner, for a free app this could end up saving you money.

Pocket God; my time waster.

One buck for this pointless little game; It’s a good time waster, and rather humorous, but I don’t suggest buying it unless your okay with people stealing your phone to play with it.

Tweetie; my twitter client.

I think this app totaled up to about four bucks, but for the active tweeter, it’s well worth the buy. Very simple, I often use the app on my phone when on my computer instead of using the web client or twhirl.

The ever-growing art project that is my bedroom wall.

The ever-growing art project that is my bedroom wall.

& That is all of them worth mentioning. Let me know your favorite apps by leaving a comment. Back to mind-boggling college crap.

Deeds decided to accompany me to my starbucks trip.

Deeds decided to accompany me to my starbucks trip.

MAC; The essentials.

So I’m in Starbucks Coffee Co. yet again, this time accompanied by the lovely Deedee Debra Dlaine Vanessa Meredith Eliot Miley, or Deeds, thinking of what I would like to write about.

Apple in Boston

Apple in Boston

So I’ll keep my simple ole’ life out of this post and make it all about you guys. & by you guys, I mean all of you mac users. Here’s the break down; Mac’s can be intimidating at first, after all most of mainstream America is glued to the classic windows OS. If you know what you are doing, windows OS is one of the most useful and dangerous tools of all time; however, it is problem bound.

Apple OS is what you se is what you get, no clicking “start” to shut down, or browsing through hundreds of files thrown around your system. Anyone with half a brain will be using their Mac effectively within the first few days. With that said; here’s my tips for all new mac users. The essentials.

The shortcuts & Spaces;

Personalize your keyboard shortcuts to your preference and make the most of them. Be sure to set up “Spaces” and make the most of your virtual desktops.

1. Open System Preferences.

2. Expose & Spaces.

3. Enable Spaces.

Choose the shortcut you find most useful.  Most common key shortcuts can be learned here. http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1343

Quitting an application;

Unlike windows, Clicking the red circle in the top corner does not end a program process; this is designed to help mac OS run faster, since it doesn’t have to keep reopening programs, but once you open enough it can lug down your computer. To end an application “Right click” or hold command key and click the icon on the dock, and press Quit application. Or you could use that fancy new shortcut you learned. control + Q.

System Profile;

Forget how much RAM your mac has? Want to know how much room you have left on you HDD? No control paneling here, just click the apple logo in the top left hand screen and click “About this Mac” from there you can find out all the “more info” you could ever use.


Is just another word for programs. And there are some useful applications out there. I strongly recommend downloading firefox, it’s always nice to have two browsers, just in case. If you’re a fan of twitter; try “twhirl”. TV, nothing like “Joost”. There are millions of applications made to make your life simple. You can find more info and useful applications here.



Once you get a little more accustomed to the Mac life, you can change up command lines in the application “Terminal”. I do not recommend playing around in terminal, as it can seriously damage your computer, make sure you know what your doing before you get any risky ideas. Some pretty neat tricks can be found here.


So; theres my two cents, I hope you found this any bit helpful. Want to add something, or give a suggestion, email me at rustylow@gmail.com

True music isn’t produced. It’s created.

It’s my last night here; even though Ive been spoiled to the crystal clear waters of the atlantic ocean; I can honestly say, this has been the best vacation of my life. I’ve had the time of my life. Nothing spectacular or name-drop worthy happened to me; the gulf of mexico is no beach to brag about. But the time I’ve spent with the closest friends I’ve ever had has made its mark on me. Never will I be able to forget this, nor would I want to.

The whole group.

The whole group.

Looking around my hotel room my mind works ferociously, attempting to remember every sence my body can take it. Every ounce of it my body yearns to feel half this good every day. The smell of the salt water, the taste of true fresh seafood, the feel of these cheap hotel comforters, the view of the ocean. The better view, my friends, each doing their own thing, but still together, growing closer by the second.

Lunch at "The Spot"

Lunch at "The Spot"

I’ve spent time walking on the seawall enjoying a delectable ben & jerry’s ice cream cone with Jillian, whom I miss more and more every day even if she hasn’t left yet. Laying on the pier, listening to the ocean with Whitney, a moment I’ll want to go back to. Singing my lungs out with Deeds, & simply sitting up talking to jordan at 3 in the morning on the beachside balcony.

Our Waitress Gave Us Crabs.

Our Waitress Gave Us Crabs.

I can’t imagine loosing one of my friends, I can’t put into words how much you guys mean to me, and I know we’ve been through more now than ever. I’ve never been closer to anyone  than I am to y’all.

By the Ocean

By the Ocean

School may be starting, life may get busy, but I will not forget this trip, I will not forget this feeling, and I will not forget my friends. The sound of the crashing waves is the soundtrack of my summer, and your laughs are the chorus. A song I’ll never grow tired of.

In the legendary Tahoe.

In the legendary Tahoe.

The rest of the pictures on my facebook; stalk me.

“I’ve got my things, I’m good to go

You met me at the terminal

Just one more plane ride and it’s done”

This one’s for me. Documented inspiration.

While writing this very post.

While writing this very post.

I do not stand for second best. I do not stand for being one of the best. I do not stand for anything less than first place. I have an unmatched ability to achieve anything I set my mind too. I will not waste time day dreaming of a life I wish I had. I will spend ever second possible improving myself. I will spend every possible day improving myself, both physically and academically.

JNCairco and I

JNCairco and I

They say that man’s greatest tool is a pen, I say that retaining knowledge is the absolute best feeling in the entire world. Yesterday, Wednesday July first, two thousand and nine, I walked into a convenient store and realized that at seventeen years old, I was easily the most intelligent person in that store. Call me conceded, call me egocentric, call me what you will, but I will always have that memory, that feeling of superiority.

Shelby; I miss you.

Shelby; I miss you.

Ignorance is bliss, so I do not mean to insult those who never had the desire, or ability to learn as I do, as some of you do, and I’m sure theose who do not care are perfectly content. But as for me, it is a feeling indescribable, a feeling of pure Ecstasy, a feeling of pure joy to know that you, and you alone, retain the most intelligence in the area. This feeling, this power, is useless if not acted upon.

Leading a Student Council meeting in this shot.

Leading a Student Council meeting in this shot.

This year will be a year of work for me; the rumors about senior year being a party are just going to stay rumors for me. There will be a time to dance, but for me this is the time to make the most of myself, to prove to my colleges that I am worth having, to make them want me there. To make them need me there. I will do everything in power to learn, at my own will, not any schools, I will do my best to make the best of both my situation and myself. This is my creed.

This girl dosent realize how far she can go (:

This girl dosent realize how far she can go (:

This is not for anyone but myself, this is just my public announcement, and my documentation, my inspiration that success is a lifestyle, a choice. A choice I am choosing, starting right now, no matter what I have to do to get there.