So I Lied about my camera.

So, I told you that you guys get to decide what camera I buy. I lied. What makes you buys think I would let you decide how to spend my money? Other than the fact that I told you to. Nothing? Ehh, shame. Well, I guess it’s a good thing I’m out of money at the moment, cause it’s given me time to research a little bit more.

So let me know what you think. Okay? As of right now, as soon as I deposit my paycheck this baby is going in my pocket. It’s got 12X optical zoom and 12.1 MP. for about 350 bucks. That’s a friggin’ steal ladies and gelntlemen. Check out a few of the shot’s I’ve found taken on it. It’s Called a Cannon PowerShot SX200 IS, by the way; fancy, ehh?

So I think its safe to say that I’d be a little bit sad if i had just impulsively bought one of the other cameras on a whim. I can’t wait to get it and start playing around with some new web designs. I decided today that I am going to move my blog to an actual site one of these days when I learn Dreamweaver better. I started up on Photoshop again today, and picked up that rather quickly. While I was at it, I decided to give Dreamweaver a go. It kicked my ass. hXc. In time I Shall learn, untill then, I’m perfectly fine on wordpress. Peace, Love, & overpriced coffee. Rustin Charles, telling you way too much about my life.

One Response

  1. The camera: amazing. 12x optical zoom means it’s good and I love how the design is a mix between digital SLR and the film camera. And based on what I’ve heard, you can never go wrong with Canon. Enjoy senior year and definitely tell me what college you end up attending.

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